Uniquely Positioned in a Growing Market

Rapidly Growing Industry

Higher-yielding private credit has boomed in recent years, with total AUM ballooning and primed to reach $3.5 trillion by 2028.

PactFi Graph AUM

Private Credit Workflows are Ripe for an Innovative Disruptor

Despite the growth of the industry, the platforms and workflows associated with private credit transactions remain disparate and archaic. Closing a private credit transaction is error-prone, slow, and toilsome because existing tools are legacy and siloed. PactFi is uniquely positioned to transform this growing market by facilitating cross-firm collaboration among deal participants and enabling them the ability to manage all steps of the deal closing process in a centralized platform. 

In comparison to other existing and antiquated products, PactFi’s capabilities are more robust and tailored to the private credit markets.

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Work Better

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Increase Efficiency

Ditch e-mail, spreadsheets and archaic processes. Streamline both internal and external workflows all in a centralized place.

Control Icon

Control Data

Easily manage and audit documents, communications, and deal processes. Thorough activity logs help record all changes and iterations throughout the deal process.

Meet the Team

Emma Zhang
Founder, CEO
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Alexa Valle Burguete
Founder, CTO
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Aaron Hall
Senior Software Engineer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Anton Moczygemba
Lead DevSecOps Engineer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Ariana Davis
Product Designer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
CJ Keim
Junior Product Manager
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Dan Marcus
Senior QA Engineer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
David Drapkin
BD & Strategic Partnerships Manager
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Dylan Wheatley
BD Associate
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Evan Brazinski
Head of Product
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Gabrielle Gibson
Product Designer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Henry Pratt
Software Engineer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Isabelle Machado
Junior QA
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Jeffrey Ng
Lead Product Designer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
John Plata
Head of Engineering
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Kai Li
Junior QA
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Mike Greenblatt
Senior Counsel
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Nicole Couto
Lead Product Designer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Rob La Rocca
Senior Software Engineer
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Roxanne Fohrman
Head of QA
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
Sarah Pinhasov
Product Associate
Emma Zhang
Founder, CTO
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